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A gift of Peace

Whether we celebrate Hanukah or Christmas, New Year or Boxing Day, we all have one gift we'd love to give or receive: the gift of peace.

Dancing Joy was created as a glimpse into our world from a totally new perspective. "What if our world was truly at peace? What would humanity do, if we were all free? What would we do without hatred and division bringing misery, suffering and poverty into our lives?"

We envisioned a world linked by music, by dance, by genuine enjoyment of each other's gifts. We imagined how it would be to be whisked from continent to continent, and to be welcomed in each new place with the beautiful dance, sights and smiles of the people there.

The words of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9, of all mankind, filled with joy, living as brothers, embraced in a divine love, became our theme. Each dancer, each artist, brought their own vision to help create this living mosaic of a film.

When you watch Dancing Joy, you may feel many emotions. As you "meet" each new culture, you may react with curiosity, surprise, or intensity. As the film progresses, you might feel new things: recognition, longing, or even mourning. By the final section, new emotions will crowd in--perhaps familiarity, determination, or inspiration.

No matter how many times you see the film, you'll never have exactly the same responses, because it will affect you differently each time. And that's the gift.

Peace is not a stagnant frozen snapshot, a split second in which violence and hatred are just held off by the white knuckle grip of willpower. Peace is the ongoing growth and spread of everything beneficial--creativity, plenty, solutions, discovery. A person at peace becomes his or her best self. A nation at peace--a world at peace--is freed up from the debilitation of fear and loss, and is able to truly flourish and develop in every way.

Giving "Dancing Joy" to someone you care about will allow them to experience their own vision, to sharpen their own dreams and to act on their own chosen purpose. People of Peace change the world around them. This is our dream.

To make it easy to give this gift, we will wrap it for you, inscribe your message on a beautiful card, and ship it direct to the recipient. We also offer free shipping if you order more than one disk. (And both the Blu-ray and the DVD are region-free, so they will work anywhere in the world!)

We truly hope that this is a gift what will bless each viewer, and bless our entire world. We wish you the most lovely and and heart-filling season of joy!


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